Monday, December 31, 2012

Hon Hai to Keep Some Apple Production Lines Running During Chinese New Year

Chuck Jones, Forbes Contributor. Posted: 12/31/2012 @ 8:14 AM

Hon Hai to Keep Some Apple Production Lines Running During Chinese New Year

Image via CrunchBase

Another indication that demand for Apple’s iPhone 5 and iPad Mini is strong comes from a report by BrightWire translating a Taiwanese United Daily News article that Hon Hai (also known as Foxconn) and at least one other company, PCB supplier Flexium Interconnect, will not shut down during the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festival in China. It lasts for fifteen days and starts on February 10 in 2013.

Typically manufacturing comes pretty much to a standstill during a large portion of the Chinese New Year as workers travel back home to celebrate and visit family. It is also a huge gift giving holiday. While it does not appear a large number of manufacturing plants will be operating having some production running five months after the iPhone 5 was launched and four months after the iPad Mini was made available shows that Apple believes the March quarter could still have strong demand for these products. I do not believe that this is due to manufacturing issues.

Disclosure: My family [Chuck Jones] and I own Apple shares.

12/31/2012 @ 8:14AM 

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